How to Put Lights on an Outdoor Tree: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to add a touch of magic to your outdoor space? One of the simplest yet most enchanting ways to do so is by adorning your outdoor tree with twinkling lights. How to put lights on an outdoor tree is a common question for many homeowners, but fear not with the right approach, it’s easier than you might think.

Before you embark on this illuminating endeavor, it’s essential to prepare your tree adequately. Begin by assessing the health and stability of the tree to ensure it can support the weight of the lights. Choose a suitable location with easy access to a power source, and take note of any obstacles or branches that may obstruct your lighting design. With proper preparation and a creative mindset, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your outdoor space into a luminous oasis.

Getting Started: Preparing Your Tree

Before you begin, assess your tree and determine the best approach for wrapping the lights. Ensure that the tree is healthy and sturdy enough to support the weight of the lights. Choose a suitable location near a power source and plan your lighting design.

Selecting the Right Lights

When selecting lights for your outdoor tree, opt for weather-resistant LED lights these lights are durable, energy-efficient, and emit a vibrant glow. Consider the color and style of the lights to complement your outdoor décor and create the desired ambiance.

Wrapping the Tree

Start by unraveling the lights and checking for any damaged bulbs or tangled wires. Begin at the base of the tree and work your way up, wrapping the lights around the branches in a spiral motion. Ensure that the lights are evenly spaced and avoid wrapping them too tightly to prevent damage to the tree.

Powering Your Lights

Once the tree is fully wrapped, it’s time to connect the lights to a power source. Use outdoor-rated extension cords to reach the nearest power outlet, ensuring that the cords are securely fastened and protected from moisture. Consider using a timer or smart plug to automate your lighting schedule and conserve energy.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

To keep your outdoor tree lights looking their best, periodically check for any damaged bulbs or loose connections. Replace any faulty bulbs and secure any loose wires to prevent hazards. During inclement weather, consider temporarily removing the lights to protect them from damage.

Instructions How to Put Lights on an Outdoor Tree

Set Up the Ladder

Before you ascend, ensure the ladder is sturdy and placed on level ground. Position it at a safe distance from the tree, allowing ample space to maneuver. As you climb, maintain three points of contact and never overreach. Secure the ladder at the top to prevent slips or falls, prioritizing your safety above all else.

Measure the Tree

Using a measuring tape, determine the height and circumference of the tree. This information will guide you in selecting the appropriate length of string lights and help ensure adequate coverage. Measure from the base to the top, as well as around the widest part of the tree trunk Take note of any irregularities or obstacles that may affect your wrapping technique

Run the Extension Cord

Select a durable outdoor-rated extension cord long enough to reach the nearest power source. Carefully thread the cord along the ground, securing it with clips or stakes to prevent tripping hazards. Avoid running the cord through high-traffic areas or areas prone to moisture. Once in place, connect the cord to the power source and test for proper functionality.

Wrap the Tree with Outdoor String Lights

Begin at the base of the tree, securing the end of the string lights to a sturdy branch. Working your way up, weave the lights in a spiral motion around the trunk and branches. Ensure the lights are evenly spaced and securely fastened to prevent sagging or drooping. Step back periodically to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Once complete, admire the mesmerizing glow of your illuminated outdoor tree.

When to Call a Professional

While putting lights on an outdoor tree can be a rewarding DIY project, there are instances where it’s best to enlist the help of a professional. If you encounter challenges such as tall trees that require specialized equipment or intricate lighting designs beyond your expertise, it may be time to call in the experts. Additionally, if you’re unsure about electrical safety or concerned about potential hazards, seeking professional assistance can provide peace of mind.

Professional tree lighting services have the experience, equipment, and expertise to tackle even the most complex lighting installations safely and efficiently. By entrusting the task to trained professionals, you can ensure that your outdoor tree lights are installed correctly, minimizing the risk of accidents or damage to your property. So, when in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional to help bring your outdoor lighting vision to life.
What You’ll Need

Equipment / Tools

  1. Step ladder
  2. Measuring tape
  3. Outdoor extension cord
  4. Outdoor string lights


  1. Cardboard
  2. Twine or plant tape


With the right preparation and approach, putting lights on an outdoor tree can be a fun and rewarding experience. Whether you’re decorating for the holidays or creating a cozy outdoor retreat, the twinkling lights will add warmth and charm to your outdoor space. So, grab your lights and get ready to illuminate the night!


What is the easiest way to put lights on an outdoor tree?

The easiest way to put lights on an outdoor tree is by starting at the base and wrapping them around the branches in a spiral motion. Begin with the end of the lights closest to the power source, ensuring they are evenly spaced as you work your way up the tree. This method allows for efficient coverage and minimizes tangling.

How do you wrap an outdoor tree with lights?

To wrap an outdoor tree with lights, begin by securing the end of the string lights to a sturdy branch at the base of the tree. Then, carefully weave the lights in a spiral pattern around the trunk and branches, ensuring they are evenly spaced and securely fastened. Continue wrapping until you reach the top of the tree, making adjustments as needed to create a balanced and visually appealing display.

How do you power outdoor tree lights?

Outdoor tree lights can be powered using an outdoor-rated extension cord connected to a nearby power outlet. Ensure the extension cord is long enough to reach the tree and use clips or stakes to secure it along the ground to prevent tripping hazards. Connect the lights to the extension cord and plug it into the power outlet, testing for proper functionality before securing the lights in place.

How do you put LED lights on a tree?

Putting LED lights on a tree follows the same process as traditional string lights. Begin by securing the end of the LED lights to a sturdy branch at the base of the tree and wrap them around the trunk and branches in a spiral motion. LED lights are energy-efficient and durable, making them ideal for outdoor use. Ensure the lights are evenly spaced and securely fastened to create a stunning illuminated display.

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